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  • Anavar Banned, TRT Makes Porn Addicts, Goob Goes OP, the 50% Beef Study

Anavar Banned, TRT Makes Porn Addicts, Goob Goes OP, the 50% Beef Study

Goob, Beef, and Lifter Oppression.

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Larry Wheels says TRT hooked him on porn, anavar may be banned, Goob went crazy last week, and more details on the 12% Amercians Eat 50% of Beef study. Plus, the winner of the Super-Supps Fitness Industries giveaway.

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At a Glance:


  • Larry Wheels Blames TRT for Sex/Porn Addiction


  • WBFF Controversy - Goob U Recap

  • Anavar May Get Banned


  • Women’s-Only Gym Owner Caught Filming

  • 12% of Americans Eat 50% of Nation’s Beef (The study)

  • Barstool Lays off 100 Employees

Let’s get into it.


Larry Wheels Blames TRT for Sex Addiction

The world’s worst spotter, Larry Wheels, appeared on the Straight Outta The Lair podcast and discussed addiction, lifting, and his experience lifting with some of the world’s best athletes.

A clip from this episode was making the rounds due to the relationship that Larry drew between TRT and his sex/porn addiction.

This segment starts around 1:09:00 in the full episode.

The comments under the Instagram Reel flooded with people ridiculing the idea that his porn addiction was only due to having high testosterone.

I think this was valid criticism mainly because porn and sex are not the same thing. Because of that alone, I don’t think it makes sense to lump those into one addiction. There are other issues that push people towards porn that aren’t just sex drive.

Credit where it’s due, Larry did go on to explain how he’s treating his addiction that involved spending thousands on camsites and custom porn: Allowing his fiancée to view his bank activity, so she acts as an accountability partner. Accountability partners are a great way to combat any addiction.

If you’re struggling with a porn problem, check out Fight the New Drug. Great resources on their Instagram and website. Not a sponsor or anything, I just think they do a good job.



Anavar May Get Banned

Lower dosages of anavar, amounts legally used for females, children, and burn victims, may be banned after a recent FDA notice.

A new video by Ryan Russo explains the current use cases for anavar and why the FDAs recent decision could lead to the androgen being banned from HRT clinics.

The intro to the FDA notice reads:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) is withdrawing approval of the new drug application (NDA) for OXANDRIN (oxandrolone) tablets, 2.5 milligrams (mg) and 10 mg, held by Gemini Laboratories, LLC (Gemini).

The interesting thing that comes up if you keep reading the full notice is that it says:

In a letter dated March 26, 2019, Gemini requested that FDA withdraw approval of NDA 013718 for OXANDRIN (oxandrolone) tablets, 2.5 mg and 10 mg, under §  314.150(c) (21 CFR 314.150(c)), stating that the product was no longer being marketed.

So the company requested that the FDA not approve their drug in 2019? And it was only after Gemini sent this request that the FDA notified Gemini of problems with the drug in 2022. Then in 2023 they actually withdrew.

Maybe my reading comprehension isn’t so good, so I would recommend reading the short notice yourself.

So after reading the entire notice, there may be more to this story than Ryan’s video goes into. This is not an attack on Ryan or his work, I just think some important details were glossed over. I’ve had to correct myself on news stories recently so I’m trying to go more in depth with the things I report on.

I’ve been going down multiple sites trying to figure this thing out, so I’m going to conclude this on a blog post on mondayiron.com so I don’t clutter this newsletter.

What I’m looking into is:

  • Why did Gemini withdraw their application before FDA said anything?

  • Why Gemini used old data to justify pulling it from shelves?

WBFF Controversy - Goob U Recap

I recommend watching all of Goob’s videos on the WBFF, I’m just going to touch on the main points. Where this starts and where it ends (for now) has been wild.

The coverage of the WBFF began after the mishandling of the death a competitor. Rich Henderson collapsed and died backstage in the middle of a recent WBFF show.

To their credit, they decided to honor Rich by presenting his son, who was in the audience, with an honorary pro card. The issue was, they waited for 2 hours after the incident so the show was over and the livestream was off. A little weird but nothing too out of the ordinary.

It only got weird when they didn’t post about or publicly acknowledge the death of Henderson on their Instagram, as they have for other competitors associated with the WBFF. This is what led to Goob speculating that they may have intentionally ignored this death since it was directly associated with a WBFF show.

Then more and more came out about the WBFF owners, Paul and Allison Dillett, making vague threats (over athletes not buying marketing packages?)

Luckily, after a lot of pressure, the WBFF did announce that changes would be made. So good on them, better if the changes are actually implemented.

But after all this seemingly ended, Goob found an interesting correlation between the winners of WBFF shows and their association with the owners, WBFF, and/or their sponsors. Including competitors taking the owners’ kids to a concert.

Trying to follow this was a doozy but it was fun to watch it all unfold.


Women’s-Only Gym Owner Caught Filming

Cole Corrigan, owner of CCC Fitness, has been accused of secretly recording in the locker-room of this women’s-only gym.

Our boy Goob blew this one up with this first video explaining how a member found a Go Pro camera hidden in a mop bucket in the locker room. It is important to note that when the owner was notified of the camera, he never asked where it was, it seems that he just removed it. He also asked the gym member to not get police involved.

In a further update, CCC Fitness put out a statement on their Instagram profile explaining that they are taking the allegations seriously and that they will investigate. The announcement was written in the third person, which makes no sense considering that Cole Corrigan is the only owner of CCC Fitness.

Now while it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together, some still questioned how we can be 100% sure that it was him that placed the camera there. Fair enough.

In the final update, it leaves very little doubt whether Cole was the one behind the camera. Because in 2006 and 2007, he would regularly peep in on a woman’s window at night, and this ended up in a chase from the victim’s brother and an arrest by police (after pepperspray, bean bags, batons, and tasers were used to take down an intoxicated Corrigan).

12% of Americans Eat Half Nation’s Beef (The study)

All of this stems from the New York Post doing what the New York Post does:

So I posted about it, it’s a big headline that’s supposed to be negative but is easily turned around as a hilarious positive.

After that, I decided to look further into the actual study. Surely it’s on some dumb shit like it used 50 people and asked them what they ate that day; which isn’t far off, but at least it wasn’t that bad.

The study comes from Tulane University in Louisiana, and used “trained enumerators” (which I think is a fancy term for computer online survey) to determine 10,248 participants’ eating habits over the last 24 hours.

I’ll give them credit for the sample size, but the 24 hours seems like just a bit too short of a time frame for the study.

All in all, it’s a silly university study. They extensively state that something needs to be done about beef consumption due to its environmental impact. So there’s an agenda, but I don’t think these guys have enough influencer anywhere that should make us worry.

That being said, keep in mind that “university studies” can be used to guide public policy, and that can be concerning. Especially if conclusions are drawn after 24 hours.

But again, nothing about this that I find concerning, I’m just glad it gave us a fun headline/meme.

Barstool Lays off 100 Employees

Now that Barstool is back under the control of founder Dave Portnoy, major changes have to be made now that they don’t have the backing of a huge company like Penn Gaming.

Dave explained very frankly that the company is losing $12M a year due to extending into growth mode while acting as a marketing entity for Penn. Because of that, layoffs were on the table.

I listen to Barstool Radio every day I get off work and this episode particularly killed me. Long story short, a longtime employee was saying that one of the laid off employees was “one of the good ones,” and it led to a great ongoing bit throughout the above YouTube video and Barstool Radio episode.

Rafi’s Desk

Sorry for the insane delay, weekend was pretty dope, got to hang out with my family and suck at golf. Overall great except for golfing after tweaking my back the previous day.

Also, for the supplement giveaway from Super-Supps Fitness Industries, Vince M. caught the W for this one. Shooting you a DM on IG as we speak.

Hope you’re having a great week, tomorrow is Stallone Thursday. Til next time.